Thursday 3 June 2010

2nd Bi-annual Postgraduate Sex Work Conference

19th January 2011 University of Leeds

You are invited to attend a forum to hear current PhD work in progress, share ideas and build up networks.

This year we have the following speakers:

Debbie Jones (Swansea); Billie Lister (Stirling); Jo Mitchinson (Loughborough); Allan Tyler (Southbank); Sian Oram (London Sch of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine); Katie Cruz (Notts); Lynzi Armstrong (Victoria University of Wellington)

We will also have extra time for general discussion and an open session for people to give a 5 minute synopsis of their work/ideas/writing plans.

Places are limited to 50 so please book early.

The cost of the conference is £25. This includes refreshments and lunch.
Further information and a booking form can be found at: